Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Could Lewis Black Be Right?

Eating According to Your Genome

When you think about it, it makes sense that since everyone has their own given genome they would also have a diet that would perfectly compliment that genome. When I first read this article I thought about a bit by comedian Lewis Black that I absolutely love. On his album Rules of Enragement he talks about a New York City man and his diet. Here's a portion of the bit:

"...there was a gentleman living in New York City a few years ago who was 115. He was the oldest man living in New York and he was doing quite well,he lived on his own, got around with no trouble and could deal with anything that came his way. People asked him of course, 'what is your diet, what are you eating?' He'd narrowed his diet down, from the ages of 90 to 115 his diet consisted mostly of three gallons of Thunderbird Wine a week and bread fried in fatback. When they asked him, 'why don't you fry your bread in bacon?' He said, "bacon's too lean." Here's a man who knew exactly what his body needed and he lived a rich, full life on what one would think is f****** rocket fuel. And if he'd gone to a doctor, that doctor would have been, 'what the f*** is the matter with you?! You're out of control! You know what!? You're going to have to start eating vegetables!' And he would have, and he'd have been dead in a week."

Now I know how absurd that story is and it has only a very little to do with this article but he makes the point that everyone has their own special diet, no matter how odd it may be.

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